In the majority of babies, milk teeth begin to emerge from the 6th month. In babies, 20 teeth, 8 incisors, 4 canine (canine) teeth and 8 big molars teeth. The importance of milk teeth is that they serve temporarily during infancy and childhood when dental care cannot be performed completely and provide guidance for the permanent teeth coming from below.
There may be delays due to different factors such as genetics, sex and nutrition, but it is considered normal for milk teeth to continue to last for 12-18 months. it may be late, as early as the first period of milk teeth. toothed birth events can also be observed in infants. x-rays should be checked when delays in the primary teeth exceed normal normal procedures.
In the vast majority of the population, there is a lack of information about how to clean milk teeth, this information is absolutely wrong, there are thousands of microorganisms in the mouth, with the emergence of milk teeth, brushed with fluorine, with a special toothbrush should be done,
When parents are around 2 years of age, brushing their teeth together will help the child to settle this habit, even if the child gains the habit of brushing their teeth, parents should definitely check the child’s tooth brushing and make sure that they are brushing effectively. toothbrushes should be replaced every 3-4 months. Electric toothbrushes can be used for the motivation of brushing teeth in children.
Especially in babies and children who use baby bottles and long-time suckers, bottle caries, upper and lower incisor teeth can be common brown and black color decay increase, baby bottle habit should be stopped and encouraged to use cups.
For children who have been breastfed for a long time, we recommend that the mother should brush the teeth of the child, if possible, and wipe the teeth with a clean gauze.
In children, it is recommended to coat the tooth surfaces with fluorine gel after the first permanent teeth are removed, as this will help prevent the formation of tooth decay.
Dental caries in children must be treated strictly, milk teeth vary between 6 and 12 years old, with permanent mother teeth, and must remain in the mouth until this period. There is a prejudice in society that it is unnecessary to treat milk teeth, and it is absolutely wrong, as soon as the decay occurs in milk teeth, treatment will prevent the child from suffering toothache, especially due to recent acidic and sugary foods and lack of oral care. unfortunately, it is necessary to meet the dentist early, dental treatment in children can be done in the clinical environment according to the communication of the child or under general anesthesia in children who have difficulty in adaptation. There is a possibility of fear, especially tooth extraction is an incomprehensible and traumatic situation for children. even if there is no problem with the teeth of the children, it is appropriate to take them to the dentist every 6 months for a check.
Dental treatment under general anesthesia is atraumatic and easiest for children in children who have difficulty in adaptation and need multiple treatments in the mouth. Performing all procedures with single anesthesia at the same time will reduce the child’s encounter with the dentist and prevent the dentist fear, especially general anesthesia. Before the child is sedated, the child’s treatment without being aware of what happens to allow. parents’ general concern about general anesthesia, unfortunately, may occur due to general anesthesia are undesirable. conducting operations at a comprehensive full-service center reduces the likelihood of these unwanted situations.
Inflammatory milk teeth should be removed because of the possibility of damaging the underlying mother teeth and a constant focus of infection in the child. antibiotic therapy is not a treatment for inflamed teeth. antibiotic is a supportive treatment. and the use of unnecessary antibiotics may cause resistance to antibiotics. inflamed milk teeth should be removed from the mouth as soon as possible in the absence of acute infection, and, where necessary, a placeholder.
The most important function of milk teeth is to guide the main teeth underneath. In cases where the teeth are extracted, a placeholder must be made in place to protect the tooth cavity. the placeholders can be fixed and movable (with plug-in removal). It should be noted that premature lost teeth may cause orthodontic problems in the main teeth of children.
In children, the habit of feeding bottles and pacifiers from 12 months is appropriate. brushing is appropriate as soon as the milk teeth are removed.
Children From the age of 7, they should be examined by a pediatric dentist and orthodontist for dental and jaw development.
Antalya Veske Dental Polyclinics, Manavgat Side and Antalya Lara Branch, our specialist pediatric dentist and orthodontic experts are serving.
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